Furniture | Fabulous Stool
Cedar wood, sponge, Italvelluti fabrics
Time to make:
about 80 hours (for one stool)
See more: | Furniture
I've always dreamed of creating a small piece of furniture for my room. There were two stools and Footrests. I love using them when I watch TV. I have choose wood legs with colourful fabric. During grinding Cedar wood exuded a smell familiar to incense from the tample.
A used strong floral pattern on the fabric, one of my favorite Italvelutti Souvenire series. I painted the cedar legs like the socks and shoes of a fairy-tale character. The legs with the cheerful fabric at the top of the design complemented each other perfectly. Do you also like them?
The taste of cigars and stout. Yummy! The shape of the lamp resembles the tip of a cigar. Painting the lamp refers to dark beers such as stout or porter. The inspiration was the popular, classic Dixon lamps. Perfect for bars and cigar rooms.
The lamp is made of galvanized sheet painted with stripes. The inner shell of the lamp cover is gold textured paint. Possibility to make predefined lamps. Choose the length of the cigar and the thickness of the foam (white painting).
The table is covered with a black paint, which becomes transparent under the influence of temperature. Place your hand for about 15 sec to reveal the grain of the wooden table.
5 seconds of a warm cup reveals the grain of the wood. After about 30 to 50 seconds the table goes completely black again. Thermotable in progress… testing.